Daphne Island, AL |
My big little brother and MDH |
The one and only time Jay is bigger than Ronnie! |
Every house is built on stilts, hurricanes anyone? |
Extraordinarily large gulf oysters. |
Pub grub anyone? |
We stopped in Mobile to visit my brother and finally meet his daughter. The park we stayed at was really nice on Mobile bay, beautiful sunset and the sunrise greeted us with fog coming off the causeway. My brother was the tour
The view from the back of our 5th wheel onto Mobile Bay. The morning fog rolling in. |
guide elite. He took us to Pensacola, FL to Lulu's (Jimmy Buffet's sister) diner, across a ferry to Daphane Island, kinda all over the place. His baby girl had the flu, so we had to wait to meet her. She is as outgoing as her daddy. She even climbed on the roof of our 5th wheel within 10 minutes of meeting us. What? There's a ladder, it needs to be climbed. LOL
When we left Mobile we started shooting west. The landing gear of the 5th wheel was again giving us grief, so we didn't want to put it down. The first night we stayed at Sam Houston Jones State park. It was a bit off I-10, but worth the drive. We met a very nice couple from Canada, which wasn't too far from where I was born. The campground was in a bayou. The morning walk led us to discover a few turtles and a baby alligator. Someone had thrown marshmallows into the water and they were dining on them for breakfast. On the way back to the interstate we stopped and had a shrimp Po-bo and a BBQ brisket po-bo. Too damn good, especially the shrimp!
The following day we stayed at Palmetto (a lot of things have the word Palmetto in them). The park had only 18 sites and we were there early enough to snag a spot. There were some really nice trails to follow. We even stumbled upon a snapping turtle that was taking a morning stroll. It had a water tower that apparently was a hangout for local vultures.
The next night we went to The Caverns of Sonora. The RV sites are nothing to write home about, but the caverns were amazing! It was an hour and 45 minute tour. You ended up 155 ft below the surface of the earth and the great state of Texas. I am convinced that this part of Texas is just one big geode. There are caverns everywhere.
Today we stopped at Balmorhea State Park, (still in Texas) It has a natural spring. We swam in it first, yeah, yeah, okay. Then had a few cocktails and busted out the snorkeling gear. Wowza! So glad we did. It was amazing. Catfish kicking it at the bottom of the spring (25ft. down) little pupfish and ducks diving to the bottom to feed.
Don't know where we will end up tomorrow, but it will be an adventure. Sure wish we felt comfortable enough to unhook the 5th wheel. Oh well.